Picture of a cup of coffee with steam rising

How to Open Your Own Coffee Shop

Why open your own coffee shop business? Opening, owning, and operating your own coffee shop can be a very rewarding but, at the same time, very challenging experience. The highs are amazing when you see consistent growth in your sales and you see positive reviews of your coffee shop online. But the lows can be crushing when you notice less and less customers are spending time at your coffee shop, or customer complaints become more frequent....

October 18, 2020 · Cody Brownstein
Picture of trees in a forest

The Products You Use Every Day Are Responsible for Billions of Trees Being Cut Down Each Year

Better consumer choices lead to a better world Oftentimes, we don’t put much thought into the products we purchase and use daily. We choose our products based on what delivers the best value. We buy what works for us. But, many of us don’t take a moment to think about the impact our purchases have on our forests, on our air, on our water, and on the rest of our environment....

October 18, 2020 · Cody Brownstein
Picture of a man using a laptop inside of a data center

EMC Powerlink: What EOL, EOSL, & EOS Mean for You

At some point you have probably come across the acronyms EOL, EOSL, and EOS. These acronyms concerning the lifecycle of server, network, and storage hardware products are all related, but each of these acronyms has distinct importance, discussed in this article. What does EOL, EOSL, and EOS Stand for and What is the Significance of each? EOL EOL refers to “end of life.” EOL is sometimes also called “end of sale” (EOS) or “end of availability” (EOA)....

October 15, 2020 · Cody Brownstein
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Advantages of Believing Planet Air Purifiers

Believing Planet air purifiers were designed in direct response to COVID-19 The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people to remain indoors as much as possible. While the lock-downs might be helping people from becoming infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus, the lock-downs also have the unfortunate side effect of causing people to be exposed to more indoor air pollution. Indoor air pollution exists in many forms, such as ordinary dust, smoke from cooking, and fumes from cleaning sprays and other chemicals....

September 29, 2020 · Cody Brownstein